Siddhartha Chandra

mindful expression, seasoned with creativity & humor


Hi There! My name is Siddhartha Chandra and you’ve landed on the space where I house my projects, blogs and thoughts on topics that matter to me. Typically you’ll find this space on the empty side as that appeals to the minimilastic side of my personality. The things on this website are those that I am proud of and can have long conversations on :)

I’ve been a technologist for more than a decade. My education and work journey has been divided between India and the US. From the former, I have learnt to be resourceful, work well in competitive environments and be driven to solve problems. The latter has helped me understand and appreciate brevity, listen intently and ask better questions. My experiences have equipped me with a mindset essential for thriving in multi-cultural settings and solving problems across a diverse breadth of areas.

I love to sing, run long distance races and enjoy playing board-games & outdoor sports. Capturing the beauty of Nature & simplicity and authenticity in People portraits is something I find deeply satisfying.

I’m always on the lookout for solving collective pain-points using technology. If you are working on solving interesting problems in areas which require creativity, problem-solving skills, innovation and empathy, I would love to connect.